Monday 11 November 2013

Why Does Life Always Get in the Way?!

I like plans, I like to-do lists, I like deadlines, I like chocolate...

I have so many things I want to achieve in this life, and I often lose sight of what they are,  forget them and wonder how long things will take me to achieve and how long I can put them off?

Cue the 101 in 1001 challenge. I found on this website where you can actually create and track your list, as well as spying on others to see what they’re up to and how they’re getting on with their lists.

The idea is you complete 101 things in 1001 days (around 2.7years) it’s like a bucket list, but as it has deadline, it’s a little more focused.  For many of us, one year is not long enough, and forever is just too vague.

I’ve uploaded my (under construction) 101 list here and I’ve also managed to get Niel to say he wants to complete one too! Wish me luck as I make some significant, and slightly sillier changes to my life. All with the satisfaction of having a list to cross off (a geek’s wet dream!)

If you're inclined and you start your own list - please link me so I can perv on your aspirations, and please feel free to comment as I slowly make my way through my own.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! I'd love to get onto this website and form my list - as I literally have about 3 notepads filled with all my old to do lists! My current list is frighteningly long! :(


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