Tuesday 1 October 2013

Haulin' - City Style

I feel I took advantage of Edinburgh this weekend, though shopping time was limited, with the Mr. in tow, who has a pretty low capacity for "girly crap" I made it my aim to hit a few stores in the big city that my little place back home lacks.

First Stop - the MAC counter in Harvey Nichols. (edit: are you sitting down? Aside from a few eBay fakes, I own NO MAC make-up!) I was particularly excited for this one, and had the counter not been so busy and the ladies working there not so flustered, I would have dented my budget pretty heavily here. As it stood, I came away with a Mineralised Skin Finish - just a normal one. I was recommended the shade Light Plus, which suits my pale chops perfectly.

Onwards to the Benefit counter, where I wanted to pick up a new Boi-ing concealer, I had this a few years back, and wanted to give it another whirl. Matched to the lightest shade 01.

I was very easily coerced into picking up this little set too, Luv It Up  - so cute! For £19.50, you get three longwear powder eyeshadows in 1. Call My Buff 2. Nude Swings 3. Thanks a Latte, a creaseless cream shadow in R.S.V.P, and a ultra plush gloss in the shade Dandelion. You also get an instruction booklet with look ideas to be created using the palette.

On the Sunday, Princes Street was a-calling, and I hit Superdrug in search of some Sleek products. Superdrug where I live doesn't stock this brand, and I love 'em. So was delighted to find the big SD on Princes St does. I initially went in for the Vintage Romance collection palette and blush, but they were sold out. So I opted instead for a palette called Snapshots (I don't think I have any of these colours in my collection) and a blush by the name of Rose Gold which when swatched, looked fantastic on my skin against my contouring bronze. I can't wait to start playing with these babies! I also grabbed the Loreal 3 in 1 Purifying Micellar Solution, which is a budget version of the much coveted Bioderma.

 Look at this BEAUTIFUL Palette, I have read that all the colours are re-releases, but I must've missed the palettes they originally came in, as I haven't anything like them in my collection of Sleek Palettes (I think I have 6 or 7 now?!) Apologies for the very small shade names on my split pics, I didn't want to detract from the beautiful colours.

 Top 1.Summer Breeze 2.Martini 3.Kiwi Flower 4.Lotus Flower 5.Hummingbird 6.Tequila Sunrise
Bottom 7.Sandwalker 8.Washed Ashore 9.Sunset 10.Green Iguana 11. Purple Haze 12. Magenta Madness

I'm yet to have a real play with all of my new goodies, so will have proper swatches and a review or two etc ASAP.

My bank balance hates me. This is all.


  1. Ahh so many lovely new goodies - I'm seriously envious! In dire need of some new makeup myself!! Time to save some dollar away ;)


    1. Definitely time to save, unlike me...spent around £200 this weekend and I'm now faced with the prospect of eating rice and plain pasta for the rest of the month! Totally worth it though :)

  2. Great posy, I love everything you bought! The sleek pallet looks amazing! X


  3. Replies
    1. Haha thank you! :) I know...the Sleek palettes are just too pretty! xx

  4. Love the make-up and the palette colors !

    have a nice weekend!


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