Wednesday 9 October 2013

Juice Juice! Who Likes Juice? I Like Juice!

Having recently moved in with my boyfriend, in a (very close by) but albeit new city - the gym has been eschewed in favour of cuddly nights on the sofa. A new kitchen and surroundings have meant hearty meals and not salads of late. And this has all led to an unfortunate expansion of my waistline. 

I haven't been comfortable with my shape/size/weight since school. I left school for an office job and my late teens-early twenties were awash with nights out, break-ups, pizza, takeaways and generally unhealthy habits.

Typically, I laugh off fad diets, and have successfully lost weight (going from a size 18 to a 12) in around 8 weeks for my 21st birthday just through healthy eating. Some of this has popped back on in recent times and I need to make a drastic change I feel.

Mr. came home from work, excitedly talking of a juice detox that his colleagues have been doing - losing weight and gaining energy in the process. He wanted to begin immediately and I figured What the hell? A kick start may be exactly what's needed to boost the old energy levels and lose a few inches in the process.

The weekend saw us excitedly pop out to Argos to purchase our juicer. We settled for this little baby (due to be delivered tonight!!)

The juice detox will commence tomorrow, lasting a week - we'll be following a strict diet, five daily juices, no solid food in this time. I plan to post all the recipes and such for each day, along with results, general feelings and moans. It's completely okay to broadcast your weight, measurements, hunger pangs, motivation, anger on the internet, right?!

I am so excited to have energy above all!

Wish me luck? xx


  1. First of all - congrats on moving in with your boyfriend! What an exciting time!!! And secondly.. seriously lovely, don't worry about having curves, it is far better than being a stick figure and being called annorexic even when you aren't! I'm trying to pick up some weight but remain toned... so strange and SO hard :(

    Just followed you on GFC xx


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