Friday 27 September 2013

A Little This, A Little Tatt...

What a corny post title! meh...I'm going with it.

I'm so so into LA Ink, partially because I have a huge girl-crush on Kat Von D, a little because the tattoos the cast design are phenomenal and make me wish to the extent of anything that I had an artistic bone on my body, but primarily because I love the stories behind people's decision to "go done get inked"

I am far from a painted lady, I have one small tattoo with plans for one more. None the less, I thought someone might like to read about my tattoo, why I got it, do I still love it, and how I fainted in the inking process...

Towards the end of 2012, I wasn't feeling too hot...I was in a bit of a slump, struggling to get out of bed and find things to do at the weekend...I'm not sure if it was the weather, my recent break-up, working too much, but I just wasn't a happy bunny. However, I knew I'd pull through because the human capacity to survive and fight is unimaginably robust and we are so resilient. Hence my belief that you can "breathe" through most pains life might throw your way.

My lovely friend's dad runs a tattoo studio in my hometown, and once I knew what I wanted, I traipsed on down to make an appointment, ensuring my friend would be there to hold my hand.

**MID-POST DISCLAIMER** - I am a firm believer when it comes to tattoos, in loving a design/a picture/a phrase long before you want to get it placed on your body forever. I knew exactly what I wanted my tattoo to say, and had an idea of where I wanted it, long before I really thought of getting tattooed. I personally wouldn't go into a tattoo studio and choose something off the walls to have inked onto me. Also - this post is NOT endorsing tattoos :)**DISCLAIMER END, PHEW!**

November 17th arrived, and I popped into work to catch up on some things, threw on some numbing cream (I WAS SCARED, OKAY?!) and caught a lift to the studio. I hopped in the chair clutching my Red Bull and work began. I can honestly say the tattoo took around 20mins tops to complete. one point I can remember hearing my friend (sounding as though she was at the other end of a tunnel) asking her dad why he had stopped work, and he replied that I'd "gone". Turns out that I'd ironically forgotten to breathe and had passed out for a few seconds, spilling my Red Bull all over myself in an inappropriate area.

Here's my tattoo all nice and fresh...

(It looks a little greasy due to the vaseline added, and only a little red, so not remotely off-putting I don't think. It did look far prettier once I removed the bandage 4-5hours later) and it still looks mighty pretty today!

Fastforward a year in my life and I am so much happier, but I still adore my tattoo. Despite it not being applicable just now, I know there will be more pain to come, and I also know that I can breathe through it :)

Writing this has just spurred me on to book my second tattoo appointment! Hmmm...

Anyone got any tattoos? Anyone actually make it to the end of this post?

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