Monday 23 September 2013

My Weekend went a Little Like This...

J'habite en ecosse. There's something to be said about affirming where you come from in a foreign language. Granted I've never had a need to use that phrase outside of the classroom, never having visited France...but I like to think my French teacher would still be proud of me! This weekend I fell headfirst back in love with Scotland, once more.

On the Friday night, my boyfriend and I had ZERO interest in cooking, so settled upon the idea of an Indian takeout. As previously mentioned, I've just moved to a slightly larger town/city to my hometown, and Mr & I are still on the hunt for the HG Indian takeout joint. Which I'm willing to wager we discovered Friday just passed. (I wish I'd taken a picture of our little floor picnic!!).

Saturday, we got up WAY too early to head down the road and visit Mr's family. He's from the central belt, whereas I'm a northern girl, so it's quite a journey. But one with beautiful scenery for the most part. Upon arrival, we spent time with his sister and nieces and attended a PartyLite party where we made this cheeky little purchase...

  A Partylite Consultant's Website with Image

Saturday night, we had dinner with my boyfriend's dad at Frankie and Benny's. I did try and take a picture of my face-sized calzone, but for some reason, technology failed me in this instance. I, however, owned the cheeky little pizza and finished the bad boy right off.

The tailend of the weekend was spent on a trip to St. Andrews, a place very important to his family. So I felt incredibly honoured to be invited along. And I think I have found my most beautiful place in Scotland, absolutely stunning. We had a Costa and some laughs on the road up there, with the roof down and the sun blaring atop our heads. Definitely a day to remember.

(L-R) 1. The Open Road (roof down!) 2. and 3. The beach at St. Andrews

(L-R) 1. The cathedral in St. Andrews 2. and 3. Tombstones  (morbid much?)

(L-R) 1. Crunchie Milkshake! 2. Snoozing in the car en-route back 3. Two degus in a petstore tandem running!

P.S. Sampled the new Chocolate Orange Mocha Latte from Costa - mmmmmmm! Probably not a drink for a die-hard coffee fan, as there really didn't seem to be too big a caffeine kick to the drink. But it was deee-licious!

P.P.S Does anyone have any good pic/collage tools that they use? Mine don't come out as I'd like...

1 comment:

  1. Chocolate Orange Mocha Latte!?!?!? OH MY GOSH.... that sounds like the ultimate definition of heaven.. in a cup!

    Completely and totally envious.

    I am also looking for a collage program so keen to read others comments :) if you do find one please let me know xxx


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