Tuesday 10 September 2013

Tentative Steps...

I'm a great believer in valuing everyone's individual skills and merits. And something I'm fantastic at, is talking myself out of something. I have reasoning power beyond comprehension. So this is why I'm sat at a PC after reading blogs for the last 5 years, talking myself out of starting one for the following reasons:

  1. No one would EVER read it and actually be interested in anything I had to say.
  2. Whilst I love it, I don't buy or wear enough make-up to justify a blog on it.
  3. Where will I find the *delete as applicable* time/energy/inspiration/space to write frequent posts?
  4. What if someone I know reads it and mocks me senselessly?
  5. Those first few posts (like this one) where I'm just talking to myself are pretty embarrassing.
  6. Despite working in I.T.  - I really can't get my noodle around HTML....my blog is going to look rubbish. 
However I have a name, I have a basic layout. I have some post ideas and a basic grasp on the English language. And more importantly, I have a snooze button for the insecure little voice in my brain! If that's not worth raising an imaginary afternoon cocktail to, I really don't know what is.

In the words of Kel, of the ever famous Kenan and Kel...AWWW HERE GOES!

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